who we are

Barton Marketing is an international sales and marketing agency based in Moscow, Russia, specialized in providing outsourced sales, marketing, merchandising and logistical support to foreign manufacturers of Food & Beverage products both Private Label and Branded, in the local Modern Trade and Wholesale channels.

what we do

We organize and support direct sales of products manufactured outside of Russia, directly from manufacturers to Russian trade operators.

We offer to our clients a variety of comprehensive services aimed at efficient introduction and promotion of their products in the local trade channels, ensuring all parties to achieve their true sales targets and potentials.

what we offer to

  • Manufacturers

    Barton Marketing offers to manufacturers the most efficient way to enter the Russian market, by…
  • Retailers

    Barton Marketing offers to retailers and wholesale operators an in-debt expertise in best performing product…


  • russian food market

    The market growth rates slow down due to complex of factors The Russian packaged food market saw growth slowing down along the review period with its current value growth declining from 20% in 2007…
  • russian retail trade

    At the beginning of the 21st century, the Russian retail sector faced continual confrontations and conflicts in retailer-supplier relationships. These conflicts reflected a power imbalance that originated from a fundamental transformation of supply chains.
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